Panasonic RR DR60 IC Recorder

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Post by kentpara » Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:43 pm

Panasonic RR DR60 IC Recorder

Article on the very popular Digital Recorder Panasonic RR-DR60, and why we shouldn't use it in EVP recording.


The RR-DR60 was the first of its kind for Panasonic at the time; the legend goes that customers were returning the recorder as they were finding “voices” in the sound tracks that they had not
recorded. The EVP community at the time got a “whiff” of this and began using them for recording; subsequently they became labeled as “the most highly effective recorder for capturing EVPs.”
Please Note; these are once again gaining popularity and worse still they are advertised anywhere from $600 to $1000 each due to this incorrect information. I have also noted some Paranormal
Investigation Teams are only recording with these recorders, no other models!
This is a low quality inferior recorder; they do not “capture” voices but actually manufacture and distort noise to sound like voice. These are just two comments that I found in a review of these
recorders that are very suspect to say the least; "Inexplicable voices seem to come through on this recorder in abundance”
Anomalous speech is not an abundant phenomenon, if this was true we would all know a lot more about it? This is a very misinformed statement based on using incorrect and inferior recording
mediums coupled with poor knowledge base. I hear this all too often, and when I investigate it is only people using inferior recorders or software “enhancing” that claim to record “voices” in
abundance. Unfortunately, on analysis this is misinterpreted noise with “voice like characteristics”

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