The Paranormal Research Society

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Post by kentpara » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:13 am

The Paranormal Research Society

The Paranormal Research Society (more commonly known as PRS) is a professional organization dedicated to exploring the unknown. The organization was originally founded as a student club at Penn State on September 16th, 2001 by Ryan Buell. Buell, only 19-years-old at the time, wanted to create a professional paranormal society that was different from any other.

At first, the society's makeup comprised of undergraduate students. Six years later, however, members come from undergraduate and graduate programs. Penn State faculty and staff have also joined PRS.


PRS' main mission, according to its credo, is to "scientifically and spiritually explore" the supernatural. In order to justify this mission, PRS formed two research branches called "departments:" Field Investigation & Research (FIR) and Parapsychology & Laboratory Research (PLR).

The Field Investigation & Research department has been the most active over PRS' history. It gained a lot of noteriety with its involvment in public law enforcement cases and it now has a television show based off of its cases, "Paranormal State." To learn more about FIR, please visit the FIR bio page.

In December 2007, PRS announced the re-launching of Parapsychology & Laboratory Research department. Over the six year history of PRS, no one was able to hold the department together for longer than a few months. Now, however, PRS has made it its main mission for 2008.

In 2008, PRS transformed itself as a professional organization. Now no longer a student club, PRS continues to expand its boundaries with its research lab, a library and a growing staff.

Every year, PRS holds UNIV-CON, the national paranormal conference. It is considered by many to be one of the largest paranormal conferences in the country. PRS announced that the conference would become more academic-minded starting in 2008.

PRS is headquartered in State College, Pa. It's official motto is, "To Trust, Honor & Always Seek the Truth." Official colors are blue and white.

The PRS Website can be found here:

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