General Procedures For Paranormal Investigators

A reference to the paranormal and its various definitions.

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Post by kentpara » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:37 pm

General Procedures For Paranormal Investigators

The following was written by Harry Price from his notes (Harry Price was a British psychic researcher and author, who gained public prominence for his investigations into psychical phenomena and his exposing of fake spiritualists) who was born on the 17 January 1881 and died on the 29th March 1948.

Attend carefully to all written and verbal instructions and carry them out to the letter.
Each observer should provide himself with the following articles, in addition to night clothes, etc,: Note book, pencils, good watch with second hand, candle and matches, pocket electric torch, brandy flask, sandwiches, etc. If he possesses a camera, this can be used. Rubber or felt soled shoes should be worn.
When going on duty, search the building thoroughly, close and fasten all doors and windows. If thought necessary, these can be sealed.
Visit all rooms, etc., at intervals of about one hour, unless circumstances call for your presence in any particular part of the building or grounds. Before going on duty at each period, inspect the grounds.
Occasionally extinguish all lights and wait in complete darkness (varying your observation posts), remaining perfectly quiet.
Make a point of taking meals at the same times each day or night. Depart from this rule if circumstances warrant.
Make the fullest notes of the slightest unusual sound or occurrence.
Take a note of the exact times of all sounds or happenings; also make notes of your own movements, with exact times. Record weather conditions.
Frequently examine grounds, and, occasionally, watch windows or building from exterior of building.
If with a companion, both he and you should act in unison ( in order to have a witness), unless circumstances determine otherwise. If several observers present, party can be divided between building and grounds.
For on half hour before, and a half hour after dusk, take up position in grounds and building. Remain perfectly quiet.
Establish your base in one room, and keep all your equipment, etc., at this post. This will prevent you hunting for an article when wanted in an emergency.
Keep the electric torch in your pocket always, whether in or out of the building. Be careful with all lights, matches, cigarette ends, etc.
Should strangers call, be courteous to them. Do not permit them to enter the building; on no account give them information or opinions of any sort.
Re. Meals. You should come provided each day with sandwiches, etc., and hot drinks in a vacuum flask. Rest can be obtained on a camp bed. It should be possible to obtain sufficient rest during the 24 hours, but if two of you are on duty, take turns at resting and wake your companion if anything unusual occurs. Leave your car in the appointed place, screened from the road.
When asked to take charge of instruments, examine them regularly with torch, and record readings and times in the notebook. Carefully note anything, which may appear unusual. Change charts when necessary, marking on each the time it was changed and date.
Spend at least a portion of the day and night in complete darkness.
No observer is permitted to take a friend to the building, unless permission has been given, and the necessary declaration form signed.
Your report and notes should be posted to the Honorary Secretary, University of London Council for Psychical Investigation etc

Although some phenomena may be observed , it is very important that the greatest effort should be made to ascertain whether such causes are due to normal causes, such as rats, small boys, the wind, wood shrinkage, the Death Watch beetle, farm animals nosing the doors, etc., trees brushing against the windows, birds in the chimney stack or between double walls etc.

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