Strange Lights In North Carolina (Poltergeist)

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Post by kentpara » Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:38 pm

Strange Lights In North Carolina (Poltergeist)

In William G Rolls book "The Poltergeist" In 1962 strange flashes of light were witnessed at the house of Mrs Pearl Howell and her two grown children Frances and Robert.
These multiple flashes were at first thought to have been caused by someone shining a torch from outside the house but this was later proved not to be the case.
Electrical wiring was checked with nothing found to explain the mysterious flashes inside the house even when the lights were turned off. No trickery or electronic flash
equipment was found and the flashes seem to occur mostly in France's room.
The family eventually decided to move in July but the lights did not follow them to the new house or did they still occur at the old house but sometime at the end of July
and beginning of August some new disturbances started up with a window screen being torn from a window and a screen door being shaken.Then these incidents too stopped
and the Howell's finally had peace.

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