Ghost Asylum

Various paranormal research groups and television shows will be listed here.

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Post by kentpara » Thu May 28, 2015 7:32 pm

Ghost Asylum

The series features a group of fearless ghost hunters with their paranormal team called the Tennessee Wraith Chasers, who try to use their Southern charm, back-water ingenuity, and engineering knowledge to create supernatural inventions during their investigations in America's most haunted locations, which just happen to be abandoned asylums. Their specialty is investigating the many decaying and derelict mental institutions littered across the United States.


Tennessee Wraith Chasers:

Chris Smith - TWC Founder
Scott Porter - TWC Historian
Brannon Smith - TWC Inventor
Chasey Ray McKnight - TWC Engineer
Steven "Doogie" McDougal - TWC Co-Founder

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