The Paranormal State Television Show

Various paranormal research groups and television shows will be listed here.

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Post by kentpara » Fri Mar 15, 2013 11:20 am

The Paranormal State Television Show

FROM A&E NETWORK: PARANORMAL STATE is a half-hour series chronicling the extraordinary life of Ryan Buell and other members of the Penn State University Club The Paranormal Research Society (PRS) as they seek to find the truth behind terrifying real life mysteries, hauntings and ghosts. In some ways, the members of PRS are your basic college kids - dealing with the problems of school, dating, and finding their way in the world. The difference is that these students are drawn to examining "other" worlds as well -- working on cases that include ghosts, hauntings and other paranormal phenomena. Each week, they are contacted for help by outside parties ranging from the Catholic Church to ordinary families who are terrified by unusual events in their homes.


FROM PARANORMAL RESEARCH SOCIETY: PARANORMAL STATE is a project that focuses on helping people who are having experiences, whether it's paranormal or not. The show takes a more journalistic/clinical approach to the paranormal. However, the show's primary goal is to help people, not provide evidence. PRS rarely draws conclusions about the paranormal experiences, but rather, leaves it open-ended for the viewers to decide and discuss the possibilities...

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