The EVP Research Association UK are a professional organisation based in Scotland, United Kingdom. They actively study and research Electronic Voice Phenomena with their founder members having almost 40 years experience combined in the field of EVP research. Together They have amassed many thousands of EVP voices. Much of their research is conducted privately but they feel very strongly that in order to make that next important breakthrough, they have a responsibilty to share their findings with other researchers over the world. They would like to help break down the barriers that exist between many of today's researchers to ultimately work together to reach a common goal. It is imperative that controlled EVP research is carried out across the world and data shared. Collaborating with other researchers and comparing the results will go a long way to helping us all advance our understanding of this phenomena.
The EVP Research Association UK is a non profit group and relies solely on its members and not merchant accounts to fund research.
They can be located here:
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